Our Dahlia Tuber Sale is finally upon us !

The garden is like a heart. It’s a place where life and beauty can flourish with care. We work the ground with the hope of something greater than what we’ve known. To see the forgotten places made beautiful once more, revealing the Eden within. And it’s there that we find a love that is not our own, the place where humility thrives and the very source of all joy, which springs forth into every part of our lives, bringing life to us and those around us.


Dahlia Video Chats

Buying Tubers, Imports, and Big Box Stores

From Home Depot to Lowes, and Breck’s to Eden Brothers; importers and big box stores, may offer good deals, but often that comes at a cost. Damaged material, mislabeling, and gull are becoming all too common contributors in the pursuit of growing healthy dahlias.

Dividing and Storing Dahlia Tubers

Join Coty as he sits down to walk through the process of dividing a dahlia tuber clump from his garden. From dividing to labeling and into storage, watch in real-time as Coty walks through his process for successful and easy dahlia tuber storage.

Raised Beds + Overcoming Challenges

After getting an order of 50 tubers cancelled, I improvised, challenged myself and created even more space to grow over 200 dahlias in a 20x20 foot first-year garden patch. This shows the process and ease of adding good additional space.